Kamen Rider G3-X: Surrounded by Wa...by Paulo Ricardo
In the bustling metropolis of Neo-Tokyo, a new threat looms on the horizon, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. But amidst the impending darkness, a lone hero eme...
[Fanfic] Kamen Rider AgitΩ x Futar...by @All_Fanfic
In the summer of 5 years ago in Ocean Town Yuunagi, Hyuuga Saki, Mishou Mai and Tsugami Kakeru happened to meet at the Sky Tree during a town festival. Five years later...
[Fanfic] Kamen Rider AgitΩ x Futar...by Ten_Fanfic
A year has passed since Nagisa and Honoka's previous fight with the Evil King, as well as Kuuga and the Grongi's fight, which was gradually forgotten by everyone.
The Qu...