The Hollow Warriors (Kamen rider G...by WhiteRoseWM
In a post-apocalyptic world, there's a super natural disaster called 'Hollows' which is a dimension where monsters known as Etheral are at. Because of that, there's only...
[Fanfic] Kamen Rider Geats x Yes...by Izanagi_Geats
The story revolves around Ukiyo Akira, the son of Ukiyo Ace and the new Kamen Rider Geats. 6 months ago, Akira was standing on a snowy temple when he received a letter f...
[Fanfic] Kamen Rider Geats x Senki...by Izanagi_Geats
For the past 11 years, humanity has been threatened by a deadly alien race known as the Noise. Anything or anyone who touches Noise will disintegrate into carbon dust, w...