Blasty's Counterpart (Bakugou Kats...by Anime Bishie
"If you were going any slower I bet you would be moving backwards. 'Ka-cchan'"
"Well, I'd better go. I'm not particularly fond of rabid dogs."
Better than ever! (Bakudeku\Dad Ne...by an1m3luvr
Izuku Midoriya, is the adoptive son of the UA principle Nezu. He was found in a villain hideout after being kidnapped by the villain Shigaraki. Shota Aizawa was able to...
Inhuman Dadby Ezra Von
A ancient creature finds orphaned human children and adopts them then raises them as his own.
Inhuman Loversby Ezra Von
They graduated from UA.
Now meet them and their inhuman lover.
Note: Story takes place 9 years after MyHeroAcademia.