A Simple Happinessby 15 Forever
Just a random stories of ... everything, really XD! The cover is my Wartortle bae~ //slap
A very wonderful and beautiful cover by @SizZeroNine 💙
Also, amazing banners...

Desime Oneshotby 🌙
Deadly 7 Inside Me oneshot compilation.
[Slow update]
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Characters belong to Deruuyo from Deadly Seven Inside Me in Webtoon

Connected Feelingsby 15 Forever
Fanfic for Desimers best ship ever (a.k.a Kindvy = Kindness X Envy)! [English language]
Hope you guys like it, I had posted this story on Deadly 7 Inside Me Fanon Wiki =...

Desime Fanficsby elephantsizedfox
Fanfiction (mostly one-shot), theory dan headcanon tentang Deadly 7 Inside Me karya Deruu Riota di Webtoon.