Shadow of the Past: The Lele
Title: Shadows of the Past: The Reawakening of Lordbug
In a world where past lives intertwine with present destinies, the children of Gotham and Paris uncover h...
Cale Falck Xby Zombieplaystudios
**Volume 2: The Titans of Hujo - A Clash of Destiny**
In the tumultuous world of Hujo, where the fate of kingdoms lies in the balance, a sweeping saga of ambition, coura...
Legion of the Timelessby Tartaruga
The year is 3124, and the Legion of Super-Heroes has been united by a new crisis-a cosmic rift that threatens to erase the fabric of time itself. The team, led by Cosmic...
Whispers of the Lost Realmby P D Leão
In "Whispers of the Lost Realm," embark on an exhilarating journey with Alex, a young and intrepid archaeologist, as they follow the call of a mysterious map...