Mystery Skulls Animated (Reader In...by ALilWeirdDragon
The Mystery Skulls Gang came across a haunted mansion. What will Vivi, Arthur, Mystery and Y/N do when there's a vengeful ghost, an obsessed plant and a possessed arm af...
my ghostly lover mystery skulls le...by Kora Regalia
your name is Y/N and you were friends with lewis. arthur. vivi and mystery. one day everyone went exploring in a cave. you had to split up. you went with vivi while lewi...
When a Broken Heart Begins to Heal...by Sparky Eve
What happens when you meet a ghost, in a mansion, in the middle of the woods, and heal his broken heart? when you have your own broken heart that needs to be healed?
Mystery Skulls One Shots!!!(DISCON...by Followers!!!!
Just random one shots with the great Mystery Skulls gang!!!(DISCONTINUED!)
Some broken hearts can heal(Lewis...by ^~RiceCricpy~^
A story of a broken hearted ghost meeting a broken hearted girl
the july sea || [ h2o: just add wa...by oceanreadings
in this story, you'll be entering the life and perspective of a 16 year old girl named hollie, who has always loved the ocean. she has just moved to australia with her m...