How do you spell Net Life Sciences?by CSIR Net Life Science
Studying living things and how they work is the easiest way to describe life sciences.
We at Gyan Bindu Online think of it as a study that deals with cells and their par...

Growth and Trends in the Life Scie...by Sanyuktadeb1
This article explores the key globalization trends shaping the Life Sciences BPO Market, including geographical shifts, regulatory considerations, technological advancem...

Genetic Testing Market Expansion:...by Sanyuktadeb1
Genetic testing has transformed the landscape of healthcare, offering unprecedented insights into individuals' genetic predispositions to diseases, enabling personalized...

Avon Lifesciences Solapur - Site O...by avonlifesciences
Avon Lifesciences (Avon Organics), incoeporated in 1993, deals in pharmaceutical products and chemicals. Avon Lifesciences Ltd has a manufacturing site situated in Sola...

Lonza Reported to Buy US biologics...by luminarytimes
The SWISS contract drug manufacturer Lonza claimed this wednesday on March 2oth that they have accepted an agreement and gave a green signal to acquire the Genentech man...

Online and Offline New Batch of CS...by CSIR Net Life Science
CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus 2023 is divided into three sections, B and C. The topics in Part A include General Science, Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis and Resear...

Rooting Out Growth: Endodontics Ma...by Sanyuktadeb1
Endodontics, a specialized branch of dentistry focusing on the study and treatment of dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of teeth, has embraced AI technologie...

Avon Lifesciences : Directors And...by avonlifesciences
Mr. Ajit Kamath, Chairman and Managing Director:
Mr. Ajit Kamath is a commerce graduate and possesses an extensive experience in the pharmaceutical business. In Avon Lif...