Unexpected Heroby
In a world where heroes and villains clash amidst the chaos of battle, an ordinary civilian finds herself thrust into the heart of the action. When Y/n's impulsive act o...
Winter Wolfby Brooke
Based on my TikTok POV series.
Y/N has worked with the Avengers for over 5 years. Even after 5 years, you have never disclosed your romantic relationships with them. Y/N...
Bucky Barnes one shotsby Way2Geeky
Bucky Barnes x reader imagines, fluff angst but no smut.
(Tw: Some of these might tackle some harsh themes such as death. addiction, mental health.)
rating marvel characters, ships, a...by alex
rating marvel characters, ships, and movies ---
!! opinions nobody cares about !!
---- tell me your favourite character, ship, or movie and I'll rate and give you my op...
It Takes Three (A Steve Rogers x...by wraith longshaw
This story follows the romantic journey of a young man named Steve and shows the lessons he learned along the way.
*This is an au, hence it doesn't follow the mcu timeli...