Just The Way You Are II Night At T...by ミ★
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were honoured for their expeditions and what they've discovered. They surely were a treasure to history, just like so many others. And...
Dreaming of Daisyby Meriwether Lewis
During freshman year of high school, James Rosner has a leg tied to Daisy Tanner for a race. Since that moment, his heart has remained inextricably connected to her...
Lewis n CLark discover gay sexby Going_MADison
1ce apun a day. dwer waz sum gays goin explor sum shit liek dora d explora
"u can b d Swiper to my Dora OwO swipe my virginity daddy Clark X3"
love killsby liz
a dramaticitzed retelling of the death of meriwether lewis, as how i interpret it.
(WARNING: blood and death and stuff)