#1SHOT THROUGH THE HEART-GENERAL HOS...by azzie891.2K516In which the daughter of a mob boss starts a relationship with the notorious mob prince of Port Charles. [OC x JOHNNY ZACCHARA]lovegeneralhospitaldanger+21 more #2Seven Nation Armyby SourCherry163004A Michael Corinthos/Kiki Jerome drabble book.drabblemichaelcorinthoskikijerome+1 more #3Trial And Error by JoluKayler20211601My version of Michael's trial and the aftermath.johnnyzaccharaluluspencergeneralhospital+1 more #4Seven Nation Armyby JoluKayler20211302A oneshot book dedicated to Kiki Jerome and Michael Corinthos.generalhospitaloneshotcollectionkikijerome+1 more #5Trial And Error by SourCherry161001The outcome of Michael's trial and the aftermath.michaelcorinthosgeneralhospitaljohnnyzacchara+1 more