#1MY ANNOYING SECRETARY!!by im_kia6052helow im new writer her support me or just read i hope you like it thank youmissnakitamacoletmekaya+2 more #2untitledby munch__ez401loverboyfyoloverboymissnakita+6 more #3miss na kitaby Candice301miss na kitamissnakita #4Silver Medalsby serket1523awn lang sklpatikimngtakoyakimobrokennilynhelbalikkana+7 more #5Ang ANOby Brycesu_1601Hope maintindihan nyo.ememissnakitapogi+7 more #6Me and I by thelobsterdobbster501my feelings towards someone I know who's name starts with I, things I wanna say and stuffmissnakitarandomrants