Falešný účet by Indie girl.
Kniha bude doprovázena životem párti smyšlených lidí, které pobývají jako klasičtí teenegeři. Zažijou dobré občas až pohádkové okolnosti, ale taktéž se to doprovází i ve...

Skating Into Loveby Chan Kanha
Iris William is a teen model who, despite her glamorous life in the spotlight, craves a sense of normalcy. Tired of attention, paparazzi and spotlight, so she decided to...

The secret lover by annabell_01-06-96
Annabell lived in New York, but she had to move to London because of her job.
She had a older brother named Harrison, he lived in London with his best friend Tom. Harri...

Hey, Want To Have Some Coffee? by Seishiro Hana
Being a top model is not exactly as easy as you think. Lucy Collins knows everything about that. What worse- filthy rich family. Arranged marriages. Busy parents. She fe...