Dark Image by MSR
"Dark Image" is a crime thriller story that portrays the crimes and terror that seep into a small town called Willowbrook. Amidst the order and peace that exis...
A Deadly Game Of Murderby WhiteOwl
FBI Senior Special Agent Black Bird struck a piece of her longest cold case during her tenure as numerous murders of high ranking officials of the previous administratio...
She Didn't Ask For This... by Ipsita <3
A normal college girl, who hates the rule 'everyone has to die', challenges nature's power and science's logic. Jenny has nothing to lose after facing the tragic experie...
Dream (Ambition)by Author X.F
Tara, a high school senior with a mysterious gift, has always been different. Her dreams have a peculiar way of manifesting into reality sometimes as harmless coincidenc...
The Broken Oakby Rosemary
All the socialite's of Miami, Florida are having a fabulous get together until suddenly the lights flicker halfway through dinner. A scream is heard by everyone making a...