Naruto Shinobi Chronicles: The Yugifuu
Naruto meets a fellow Genin named Sakuya Izanami, a 15-year-old kunoichi who were both formed their own ANBU faction known as the Silent Blossom. The two prepared their...
Naruto Parent Scenarioby Shinkei Senju Uchiha
Come readers and be the child of these characters.
Madara Uchiha
Tobirama Senju
Minato Namikaze
Sakumo Hatake
Butsuma Senju
Tajima Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Father Scenariosby Naruto Namikaze
This is a scenario book. This is the first time I've ever done this so I apologise if it's terrible and stuff. I haven't really watched Boruto so most of the shit in thi...