Alyssa's Adventures in the Kanto R...by Alissa Diaque
Alyssa is a popular girl at her school, but she hides a secret that no one knows: she is an obsessive Pokémon fan. In order to keep her secret, she chooses to harass the...
Mitch's Kanto Journeyby Ethanhide1
Mitch Harper is a ten year old living in Pallet Town in the Kanto Region of the Pokémon world. Being ten means that Mitch can now set off on his Pokémon journey. What P...
It Started With A Dreamby Silver
One day...
I'm gonna be one...
I'm gonna be...
A Pokemon Master...
I don't own any images, videos, or characters used in this story, they belong to their respective owne...
My Name is Marcus: Championby Avery, the Manager
Two life-long friends discuss the future over some friendly competition.
A Nidoran's Taleby Deviler4Fox
Join Pokey the Nidoran on his journey across the mainland of Kanto as he travels to find his father and a trainer who will help him unlock his true potential
Eevee x Pikachu. More than friends...by mew_psycat
A male Pikachu and a female Eevee in the wild have been best friends for a long time. Pikachu has a diary where he writes down the important things that are happening to...