Alpha League: Heroes United. The R...by Overdrive248X
The Alpha League, a group of inter dimensional heroes formed under the idea that a group of people could bring to the Infiniverse.
Heroes of all sorts, from across diffe...
Night Mist Originsby NightMist-80
This are my Superhero Origins. The Origins of the most powerful Superhero in all Multiverses.
The Alpha Leagueby Rebal X
A group of friends who impersonate their own characters come together to form an elite group of superheroes and will face different adventures together.
Alpha League Legends of Tomorrowby Flame
After a massive war the original Alpha League has vanished. Now many years later a new team is formed. The new Alpha League!
The Alpha League: Legends Of Tomor...by Frostbite
After the events of a war that took a toll, the first generation of the Alpha League was lost. But what happens when a new team of heroes forms to protect the Infinivers...