The Tragic Tale Of the Fallen Alic...by Phillip Robert O'conner
On January 31,1993 A black Alicorn name phillip was born.After a test to Prove Him that he was evil.The Princesses Went to End him.But redfly and Her Friend Sunspit,Moon...
Rise of the Moon; a mlp fanficby Skylar
Princess Celestia has banished many pony species so she can create her own perfect world. Luna was banished to the moon after trying to create an uprising, and forgot mo...
Princess Luna's Journalby New_Lunar_Republic
The Equestrian Civil War from perspective of our one true princess. We ponies at New Lunar Republic Media hope you enjoy this piece of history and we are happy to have...
No Help for a Traitorby Nate Milbauer
A pony who works for either side is betrayed by his highest bidder and shot in the back.
The Stories Between Usby harmony
The stories between us is a fascinating story between two future queens. The daughter of the sun (Eliana) and the daughter of the moon (Vanity). The story takes place in...
Solar Eclipseby RobbyLikesPonies
Princess Luna has had enough. After far too many attempts by her sister to take away her governing power, Luna decides to use her posit...