Omarupolka Stories

5 Stories

I Favor The Lioness by Yuriballs
I Favor The Lionessby Yuriballs
A snow elf, Yukihana Lamy, joined a noble school filled with mages to meet her idol, a white lioness named Shishiro Botan. However, the school is filled with tough oppon...
Shishilamy Oneshots by Yuriballs
Shishilamy Oneshotsby Yuriballs
Short Stories about Gen 5's Snow Elf and White Lioness going on many adventures and get into whacky hijinks together.
My Love For You || Ninomae Ina'nis x Amelia Watson by HoloSimp
My Love For You || Ninomae Ina' Akane
I did say I'm going to make an InAme book. And I'm keeping that word. So, here ya go! InAme book, I love this ship so much. Pictures that might be included in the book a...
The Greatest Show On Earth by ThatShyDude
The Greatest Show On Earthby ThatShyDude
A promise to still remember each other, to once again see each other after being separated from each other years ago. But many years have passed since then and the two o...
How Things Started  by Mayo2k20
How Things Started by Mayo2k20
A quiet and chill gamer Shishiro Botan meets a nice and rich Yukihana Lamy and some new friends along the way