To be your Guyby S. Xiaolian
Having a huge crush on someone who doesn't even notice you makes Ainsley wants to give up and move on. Ainsley, a typical guy, having crush on someone that doesn't not...

Whispered Solace (Beyond the Stars...by amaranthinezx
In the hushed corners of solitude, where the world fades away, there exists a whispered solace. It is a gentle refuge, a sanctuary for weary souls seeking respite from t...

Diary Thoughtsby glitterykermit
How do I describe this word? How do I start?
I've come to experience every pain in the world, so I don't think I can describe this by its simple description.

From me to you...by Z
I heed my call from me to you.
Although thou can't hear; near nor a far.
From the beginning 'til the end,
you've listened; lent a hand.
Truly disappointing,
That you...