Three powerful yet deeply flawed women-ruthless CEO Dany, image-obsessed influencer Pau, and secretive tech genius Ale-are drawn to a mysterious competition hosted by a...
'The Final Warning Co.' is a ghost extraction business that's made up of three sisters, taking down spirits haunting spirits all over Monterrey, Mexico. Though a seasone...
They say true love is the bridge between two hearts, and in organized crime syndicates, it's the bridge between two families. True love or not, marriages have been the m...
Never judge a book by its cover, because you never know what lies inside.
When Apple White and Raven Queen both hold slumber parties on the same night, secrets are revea...
A fanfiction based on the Story of the Album "Queen of the Murder Scene" by The Warning.
Camila is a young girl that falls for her friend Ángel after an incide...