Rants w mar🤑by marsis10xbetterthanu7217Just me saying stupid shit enjoyy😍☝🏼ateandleftnocrumbsslayerimsosexy+8 more BarbieXbrittbarbieby bxrk_4_mzmmy5105I MIGHT MAKE MORE STORIES ABOUT THIS!!barbiexbrittbarbiejuicyperiodahhperioduhh Shrek scriptby SaLaMi101Yesshrekisloveshrekislifeshrekperiodahhperioduhh+2 more The tragic tale of Brittbarbie.by hi1211Her life was a mess before she blew up on TikTok, she had no money no friends and everybody hated her. She then decided to make the TikTok that launched her into stardom...periodahhperioduhhuhhperiod+6 more