"Hero Of The Empire," - A Star Tre...by Sean Christian Wolslau-Holdren
After Damian Decker's promotion, Admiral Jeremiah Carradine of Starfleet Intelligence sends the young Captain and his crew to the Klingon Homeworld to pick up Chancellor...
"Sins Of The Past" A Star Trek Pic...by Sean Christian Wolslau-Holdren
His name is Damian Milo Decker, a descendant of Commodore Matthew Decker. Damian is assigned to the USS Bonaventure; a newly commissioned neo-constitution class ship. He...
Star Trek: Salvation (Picard Era)by Sean Christian Wolslau-Holdren
The year is 2388, and events in the galaxy have taken a turn for the worse. Curtis Hawthorne is a young Starfleet Officer assigned to the USS Syracuse, a newly commissio...