May: Without Willby EnderPortal224
Will gets Thanos snapped out of existence, leaving May in disarray. But the multiverse cannot survive without Will Enders, so a scientist with a great understanding of t...

Androids: A story of Philip and Wi...by EnderPortal224
A forgotten android awakens to her last given command. Find Will Enders and Philip Mech. She finds a wounded Aegislash nearby, and heals it. She exits the cave in which...

Will: Dividedby EnderPortal224
With Will gonna from spacetime altogether, two new heroes who share his powers must meet each other and face off against Reversal.

Will: The Beginningby EnderPortal224
Story: After the event that caused Will to acquire his powers, he realizes he now has the intellect to build an entire interdimensional gateway into something the size o...

The Powerless One: The Adventures...by EnderPortal224
In an alternate world, there exists a Will that's never even though about the Portal Watch or any of my other delusions. But if given the chance to use a Portal Watch, w...