Title: Fallen Hero Reborn: The Ris...by Lele
Title: Fallen Hero Reborn: The Rise of Issei Jackson
Betrayed by everyone he trusted-his friends, comrades, and even his harem-Issei Hyoudou finds himself at ro...
Rings Battle | Volme-1 | The Origi...by SpeeDaily Publication
What if your ordinary life turned upside down in a single moment? Arya never imagined that enrolling in an elite academy would lead him into a world of ancient secrets...
Mary Wardwell: Witches of the Darkby Bibble
In a world where dark magic and dangerous secrets collide, Mary Wardwell must confront the power of the mark that binds her fate. As she battles shadowy forces and faces...
A mysterious system selects an ordinary young man and thrusts him into a relentless climb through a deadly tower. Battling monstrous foes and , he unlocks unimaginable p...