Squeeze your lemon. Inspired by of...by Devil Sage
The story revolves around Amit, a reserved and dedicated professional, and Tanya, a charismatic and married colleague in a Mumbai office. Tanya, despite her confident de...
Behind Closed Doors: A Counselor's...by
"Behind Closed Doors" is a poignant exploration of the complexities of marriage, the power of forgiveness, and the resilience of the human spirit. It delves de...
A Corporate Commoner's Diaryby Nomad Firefly
Name? Anamika Chowdhury, A.k.a Annie
Job? Assistant Manager at Wellex Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Own apartment? Already booked.
Own car? Well, may be after next year's in...
I need you || Viktor Nikiforovby Takara Nikiforov
All he wants is a victory, but can he do it without her.
「"You always make everything better" He cried.
'But I wish you were here' Now burying his tear-staine...