Quansong Stories

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5 Stories

How Our Lives Changed After We Met Sophie | Tam and Linh by Izcana
How Our Lives Changed After We Met...by Izcana
We know the story of Sophie and the Neverseen and her main friends, but how much do we really know about the mysterious Song twins, Tam and Linh? How did they think of e...
Falling Leaves Return To Their Roots | ✔ by mossrings
Falling Leaves Return To Their Roo...by mossrings
"远离家乡,不胜唏嘘,幻化成秋叶 而我却像落叶归根,坠在你心间" I have left my home with much emotion, and these emotions have shaped into dreary autumn leaves in my mind And yet, just like...
The Girl of Many Floods- Linh Song by frantasy
The Girl of Many Floods- Linh Songby Fran
This is Linh's story, from her point of view. Linh Song, a seven year old elf,deals with the discrimination against twins in the Lost Cities. As she grows up, she manife...