Peter Parker, the man behind the iconic red-and-blue mask, now found himself standing amidst the ruins of his former life, a broken and desolate figure. His once-vibrant...
Genji Travels The Animeverseby ghost bounty hunter rider
Genji was once a human living in japan before a terrorist group blow up his home town destroying his village and most of his body after that the government rebuilt him a...
I will End it Before it Beginsby Thiccie
A broken Izuku could be seen sitting on a rooftop as he looks to the inferno that used to be his highschool. He clutched the yellow cape he wore as the last of his tears...
No Turning Backby scriblodeau
~ Some days, no matter how I stop up my ears, I still hear the bell's knell...
~ This book of poetry explores and exposes my personal struggle, as I witness an entire s...
Sparkleby xxogirlxxo
It might be a cliché, it might not. All I know is, that I liked writing it. So hopefully you'll enjoy reading it!!