Title: A Royal Twist: The Love Sto...by kia Lee
At the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in 2011, sparks unexpectedly flew between Prince Harry and the bride's sister, Pippa Middleton. Ov...
Royally In Love [Discontinued]by Stella
21 year old Katerina Sotile, Lady of Savensburg Italy, woke up in a cottage in Jukesburg France, where there are two princes fighting for the throne. Prince Elijah and P...
Royally in Loveby Athena
Prince Eden had thought it would be an excellent idea when his mother had suggested he attend the ball which would choose the King for the next Queen of Ireland. He had...
ROYALLY IN LOVEby jaysm011783
She woke up in the hospital the next morning wondering what happened she asked for help and a doctor came in that was tall had brown hair green eyes an was so sexy and i...