NNT Ship Asks (Request Open!) by Sariel&TarmielsbiggestFan
I took the idea for this book from @DevTheDummy
I'm gonna use those Ships for this book :
-Melizabeth (Meliodas x Elizabeth)
-Kiane (King x Diane)
-Kingbram (King x Helb...

Meme's, pictures, Art,(Mostly The...by Sariel&TarmielsbiggestFan
This is a Part 2 book to my original book with the same name. You don't need to read the first one to understand this one but you can still read it if you want to.

memes, pictures, art (mostly The s...by Sariel&TarmielsbiggestFan
It's litteraly what the title says........ 90% of it is going to be Sariel and Tarmiel (Ludociel and Mael too ofc) stuff by the way bcuz there is not much about them.