Title: The Lost Prince of Hogwarts by Lele
Title: The Lost Prince of Hogwarts
Harry Potter, born as the oldest child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, was destined for a life of royalty and privilege...
Into The Shadowsby BigBungas
When Mike and his friends stumble upon an abandoned military base, they find more than they bargained for-strange bioluminescent mushrooms, haunting blue spirits, and a...
The Secrets of the Duke of the Eastby vixlira
Aria, a young noblewoman, is summoned to the mysterious Eastern Duchy, a place rich with secrets and ancient power. But what she doesn't know is that her arrival is no c...
Butterfly Shadowby Wàn Xhí Ràng
In the depths of dark Tokyo, Detective Izumi's fate intertwines with the life of Haruna, a girl who has slipped into an abyss of darkness. "Butterfly Shadow" i...
𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗by xxcer12
Title: Shadows of Power
In the cutthroat world of organized crime, a high-stakes Mafia game is more than just a game-it's a battle for control, loyalty, and sur...