The Best 5 Brass Knuckles for Self...by Maria Zoe
Most people have heard the term brass knuckles. They may not know what exactly these are. In general, a knuckle duster is an attachment that is securely fastened over a...

Self Defense Weapons: A Few Weapon...by
For those of you who have never taken a class in self-defense, you might be wondering why these weapons are necessary. Well, there is a reason why these weapons make it...

Can Women Use Brass Knuckles for T...by Maria Zoe
It could be said without a doubt that brass knuckles are some of the most popular self defense weapons around. They're sleek, heavily armored, and definitely enough to g...

Can Someone be Seriously Hurt by S...by Zara Sophia
Electric stun guns have been used for more than 30 years in Europe, but the United States has only recently become aware of them.

Stun Guns Can be Efficient Tools f...by Maria Zoe
Stun guns are not considered by many to be firearms and are generally legal in the whole United States for civilian use. When a stun is discharged, it projects two small...

Using Brass Knuckles Incorrectly C...by
Brass knuckles are a type of weapon that consists of a knuckle-duster inside a metal or hard plastic case, which can be worn on the fist. The design is such that the met...

Practices for Using Self Defense W...by Maria Zoe
The use of self-defense weapons are a necessity for every home. From a set of pepper spray to a taser, there are many different types of weapons that can help protect yo...

Here's How Pepper Spray Works: Ben...by Maria Zoe
Pepper spray is a type of aerosol used to irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. The active ingredient in this spray is capsaicin (capsaicinoids), which is deriv...

What Are the Varieties of Stun Gun...by
In a nutshell, stun guns are devices that emit an electrical charge in order to incapacitate the victim. The amount of voltage and amperage a given stun weapon is capabl...

How Brass Knuckles Can be Useful W...by Maria Zoe
The word "brass knuckles" comes in two forms, a noun and a verb. The word is of the number 3, short for the Latin numerus trium meaning three.

Self Defense Weapons: The Most Pop...by Zara Sophia
Self defense for women and girls is a necessity, not something to be afraid of. The world has changed since the last time you were in high school, and we've learned a lo...

Is it Really Necessary to Have Sel...by
Self-defense weapons are weapons that can be used to defend oneself in a physical fight. They can come in many shapes and forms, such as a knife, pepper spray, or stun g...

Self Defense Weapons For Women To...by Zara Sophia
As a result of their vulnerability to random attacks, women have been targeted by attackers more frequently than men. It's important for women to have survival tools and...

It's Your Perfect Lifesaver to Hav...by
An assortment of baton designs can be found in melee weapons. In addition to breaking bones, they produce pain upon impact and can be made either of wood or metal. Baton...

How Can You Protect Yourself With...by
Brass knuckles are the weapon of choice for an array of villains in film and television. From The Joker to Jack Bauer, they've become icons of violence. And despite the...

Buying A Self Defense Weapon? Here...by Zara Sophia
Self-defense weapons are essential for the people that are attacked, or who are in need of protection. There is a wide range of these products in the civilian market, an...

Stun Guns Have Varying Effects On...by Maria Zoe
A stun gun, or Taser for short, is a non-lethal weapon that temporarily disables someone by emitting an electrical shock. They are used as self-defense weapons and law e...

An Analysis of The Different Style...by
Brass knuckles are a weapon typically made out of brass and can have various forms, designs and patterns. These knuckle dusters usually have an edge with a pointed end t...

Types of Stun Guns: Each Has Its O...by Zara Sophia
A stun gun (also known as a taser or a "less-lethal weapon") is an electroshock device that discharges high-voltage, low-amperage electric pulses intended to t...

Self Defense With Stun Gun - How T...by Maria Zoe
A stun gun produces a small electric current through wires that are usually used to immobilize someone by contracting their muscles. It is the purpose of these guns to i...