Shanzimia Stories

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20 Stories

He never knew if is only his problem by ShanZimiA
He never knew if is only his ShanZimiA
After 6 grade,his brain stopped to work anymore. Or at least,this is how he felt it. Suddenly for him become hard to learn new things his past started to disappear, not...
Why you shouldn't avoid the people by ShanZimiA
Why you shouldn't avoid the peopleby ShanZimiA
I will tell you how I changed my life, but before to do this of course I need to tell you how it was before,more exactly 5 years ago.
All for nothing by ShanZimiA
All for nothingby ShanZimiA
First of all, it seems like you need a lot of patience,but this patience needs to come after some actions,some work. How to change my life is a simple question and the a...
Why you should Never chase a girl by ShanZimiA
Why you should Never chase a girlby ShanZimiA
Keep in mind that some women are like cats, they will show their love if you will let them come at you. So in the first year of high school for me and my friends it was...
How to find your purpose in life by ShanZimiA
How to find your purpose in lifeby ShanZimiA
How to find your purpose in life ? Oh sorry,I'm speaking about the main one,of course. Hm,the question is good, but the answer was something that I was scared to give mo...
How I became the strongest man in the world by ShanZimiA
How I became the strongest man ShanZimiA
I'm living with the same speed as you, 60 second per minute, 24 for hours per day. But, I'm the strongest man in the world,I'm like this from the age of 10,when someone...
I have time for sale by ShanZimiA
I have time for saleby ShanZimiA
Is morning...8 am, so I slept 8 from those 24 hours that I'm receiving every day. I will waste one to go to my job,and there..I will sell 8 hours again + one hour to com...
Who am I? Find yourself inside. by ShanZimiA
Who am I? Find yourself ShanZimiA
I'm not trying to make me feel better. I'm good with myself, but I know that everything will change, even me... In reality,I am a stranger , someone different in everyon...
I found one of my girlfriends on Instagram today, she got married. by ShanZimiA
I found one of my girlfriends on ShanZimiA
I found one of my girlfriends on Instagram today, I think she was the women that I loved the most in my life, we grow up together, at some point I thought that...I didn'...
How I lived my life ... by ShanZimiA
How I lived my life ShanZimiA
Unbelievable...what just happened the hell I made 75 years,where is all these years gone.
My Wife tried to kill me by ShanZimiA
My Wife tried to kill meby ShanZimiA
So, I and my wife were together 3 years when I propose to her, and when I did it..she cried and said that ...nothing in this world will make her happier than to be my wi...
Last speech of high school by ShanZimiA
Last speech of high schoolby ShanZimiA
Ha....I didn't expect,to be the guy to say something to all of you,a speech...this will be the first and the last speech of high school for me.
My parents ruined my life by ShanZimiA
My parents ruined my lifeby ShanZimiA
I'm 35, I'm am a doctor in the biggest hospital in my country, I have a big house,a wife and 2 kids. Everything is mine,and probably you will think that I made it, my li...
A lazy story, oh sorry..the story of my laziness. by ShanZimiA
A lazy story, oh sorry..the ShanZimiA
Why I didn't do anything in the last months? Or...or most of my life? Some will say that I'm not scared,for example,about death. I don't realize that I will die day soon...
My job interview went wrong by ShanZimiA
My job interview went wrongby ShanZimiA
They- Ok,so ..Alex,tell us something about you. Alex- Off...again this now guys,this is the third interview for me today,and I had like..20 the entire wee...
Last hero of the war by ShanZimiA
Last hero of the warby ShanZimiA
Today I came back, and a lot of people came to welcome me, they call me,a hero...last hero of the war because I was the last person that came home.
A deep talk with a small prisoner by ShanZimiA
A deep talk with a small prisonerby ShanZimiA
John- Hey , Alex,do you have any idea why that guy is in prison ? He looks like a normal person for me. Alex -Oh,John,you can't be more wrong about him.,that guy did eve...
The voice of  happiness - Why you are not happy ? by ShanZimiA
The voice of happiness - Why ShanZimiA
Is good that you to finally made some time to speak with, can you tell your name, because probably a lot of people will not believe me if I will the one to say i...
How the marriage ruined my relationship -  I don't love her anymore by ShanZimiA
How the marriage ruined my ShanZimiA
We start to date 3 years ago, everything was so incredible,i though that she is the one. And it was...but not for long, we marry 1 year ago, and we moved together, the s...
Why I can't sing - Funny answer from The God itself by ShanZimiA
Why I can't sing - Funny answer ShanZimiA
I just heard a discussion between God and an archangel,about why I can't sing.