Stage for the Passionate (Revue St...by The Anime Weeb YT
Y/N L/N moves from her family to attend Seisho Music Academy, to break free of the regular life that she had been following since middle school. On her first day, she re...
Dancing Butterflies Beneath the Sp...by yuu.
Collection of TamaRui drabbles/ficts for TamaRui needs. Please enjoy! ♡
Stars Beyond the Daytime Skies [Hi...by yuu.
Collections of the "promised" crossover; HinaMahi drabbles/fics no one even asked for! Enjoy!
[PS: I can't do covers so well―]
entangled.by yuu.
『 none of them will be freed from their shackles.
not until they stopped deceiving themselves― 』
yachiyo's life was perfect. she has everything in this world she coul...