Batgirl & Static: Heart of Heroesby Knight Morales
In this sequel to "Batgirl & Static: Shocking Knight," now follows Barbara Gordon as she struggles to keep up with balance between herself and as Batgirl. Mean...
Middle School: Wild Overboardby Bliss Smith
Set in 2003, the story follows a 15-year-old Joslin and her friends finding themselves stranded on a beach in Los Angeles, California, after being involved in an airplan...
DC x Reader One-shotsby Nicole Amore Wolf
This is a collection of one-shots written for the DC Universe. Originally posted to my Tumblr account @DickMeDownDC ( They are also c...
My Static Shock Journalby Abby Watson
My journal entries of my favorite characters and episodes in the American animated series Static Shock (which lasted for four seasons, with the first episode airing on S...
Magnetic Shock (Season 2)by David Romero
Magnetic Shock's second season comes supercharged with new, dangerous metahuman menaces, an array of special guest stars, and more of its unique mix of high adventure an...
Spidey Shock | Male Reader X TheOmegaKage
Fight the criminals, chase the bad guys,
Save the world, fly through the sky.
Half-kid, I'm amazing,
Okay, Static Shock, who you facin'? Yeah
One zip, then you zapped,
Deku: Static Shock! ⚡️by RinOta
From being powerless in a world full of metahumans, to being turned on and bullied by his best friend, Izuku's life could only be described as a living hellhole with no...
Shifterby CreationX
After moving into Dakota, you got to see what it was like to get into a gang war and after getting hit with some weird purple gas everything changed.
I do not own any ri...
Shocked to the Webby Alex Pulido
Blake Bianchi moved to Dakota to live refreshed as she was told but not in her shoes. She decided to give it a chance seeing and hearing about meta humans both good and...
Static Shock: Ms. Indiaby Disventurecampfan80
Static Shock deals with Indian Bang Baby(Meta-Human) Named Ms. India while Virgil falls in love with India Exchange student named Priya
Guess My System Got Shocked. ( starbles 💫
(Making this story at 1 am 💀)
You are a teenager in the 20th century.You remembered about that one Saberspark video, and the show was called, "Static Shock"...
Painkiller Tv show by Izhir Allen
A broody young man Khalil Payne traveling to different place Akashic Valley to get away from his enemies and his violent past. New enemies and old enemies coming after h...
Daughter of the Bat and the Cat Griffin
Sequel to The Daughter of the Bat and the Cat. Two years after moving to Dakota City. Kat and her team have been making a name for themselves alongside its city heroes S...
The History of Walt Disney by David Romero
To celebrate Disney's 100th Anniversary, Magnetta will talk about Disney's history with Mickey Mouse and the movies and shows he created in this story. Enjoy.
Static Shock oc : Absolute Zero by Draven Frankenstein
Jon Evil becomes absolute Zero and plans to avenge his father Christopher Evil 😈 and Stepmother Applejack Evil 😈
Static Shock Roleplayby I Love the Classics. Movies...
I saw there were no RP books for Static Shock so I decided to make one
Iron Butterfly (Nissa003's DC David Romero
Metal is all around us. The Earth and its core are made of metal with the core mostly made up of nickel and iron. Most of the metal on Earth, especially iron, is found w...
Daughter of the Bat and the Cat Griffin
When one of the teenage human allies of the autobot team known as Team Prime. Receives a package from an unknown distant relative after her fall out with the autobots. S...
Iron Butterfly DEATH BATTLE ( David Romero
There are a lot of heroes and villains with the ability to manipulate metal, but this hero is considered to be one of the most powerful ferrokinetics on Earth. Iron Butt...