Save Your Wordsby Depressinggreenie
Thor rescues Steve from SHIELD after a group of agents decide to take advantage of Steve after his returns from a mission affected by truth serum.

In All Your Formsby Depressinggreenie
Steve is a monster, it's a fact, he admits it.
(Thor, however, thinks otherwise.)
Rating: Teens and Up
Characters: Thor, Steve Rogers
Pairings: Steve Roge...

A Matter of Languageby Depressinggreenie
Clint is pretty sure Thor has been using some sort of magical mind reading to understand Steve.
Rating: Pg
Characters: Clint Barton, Thor, Steve Rogers

In The Openby Depressinggreenie
Thor is sure that Steve couldn't possibly share his feelings, of that he is certain.
Rating: Teens and Up
Characters: Thor, Steve Rogers
Pairings: Steve...

Let Me Help Youby Depressinggreenie
Thor vistas Steve in his room to invite the man to lunch. Turns out, that isn't exactly going to be possible.
Rating: Pg
Characters: Thor, Steve Rogers

A Night to Rememberby Depressinggreenie
Thor and Steve share a moment. Clint and Tony watch from the sidelines.
Rating: Pg
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Thor...