A young one picks up a mysterious and mischievous cat, whose behavior causes both chaos and moments of tension in the household. the story explores his interactions with...
Shadowby ☪️TheBeautyInBeast☪️
Your shadow stays with you. But what about this one.
As told by the dog, Tippy.
Baby's Journalby Rin-Chan
I am a grey tabby bobtail cat currently known as Baby.
I have made this journal to keep track of all my journeys and adventures.
To anyone who is interested to re...
Roamers- Stray Dog Island RolePlay.by AshleighWilliams6
Wonder what it's like to be a stray?
No home...
No food...
No family...
No love...
Become one of many stray dogs that roam the land of dogs, the island named Roam. The i...
Elysianby •Dreamer•
When I needed a hand
I found your paw.
Say that for once, the world was yours. Everything you ever wanted. Everything.
But was it enough?
What if everything is taken awa...