As Time Goes On...by G.M.F.E
After long years of wating, Naruto and Hinata can finally go on a date! After reluctantly leaving Himawari and Boruto with Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto promises one of the...
"I've been waiting for you"by Fairskyangel
Waiting for her husband to return home, Hinata walks around their soon to be old apartment, and sings a song for a certain someone.
With inspiration from the ABBA song...
波風.wikiby ◊ nagisa ◊
❝ in another dimension, i wouldn't exist. in another dimension, i wouldn't be neglected. in another dimension, things would have turned out differently. but this is my w...
Secretby alix remn
The sunshine couple of Konoha, California, has a secret! Take a ride back to college and find out what it is along with Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki!