Supernatural(the Anime/Animation):...by Padaleckis bitch
AU where it were the shapeshifter (in Dean's body) has to "torture" some information outta Sam to get his body.
Demon Divisionby Bubble
In a world ravaged by demons masquerading as humans, the last city of mankind is defended by the Division-a fearless force wielding weapons forged from demon remains. Af...
New Lifeby jloveyslas
It has been six and a half years almost seven years since Naru and Lin went back to England. Now their back with the rest of the gang yet know body knows where Mai is al...
Supernatural (Anime/Animation):Sam...by Padaleckis bitch
When you're depressed and ghosts decide laughter is the best medicine you know you're well, screwed. Now pretended you're the most ticklish 22 year old man in history. T...
Predatorsby Im Gay, so what
Here is a supernatural story about drama and romance.
Please read it and vote for it if you like it.