the archangels daughter by sleepyglitch
what if Micheal and Lucifer had a daughter? And dean was her lover. she told Dean everything from her beginning to when they met. Sam doesn't know about her and not do...

Supernatural (Anime/Animation):Sam...by Padaleckis bitch
When you're depressed and ghosts decide laughter is the best medicine you know you're well, screwed. Now pretended you're the most ticklish 22 year old man in history. T...

Smiles {Reader x Sam x Dean (No Wi...by Destielwhotrash
Of course nothing ever goes right in this hunting world, and your life goes to show for it. Between the death of one of the Winchesters, here comes another one. The deat...

Destiel One-shotby CatgurlTea
I have so many Destiel ideas so I spend a night writing it. So enjoy my writings.