The Shadow Beast of Eldoriaby IrieEager
"The Shadow Beast of Eldoria" is a chilling tale that unfolds within the forgotten forests of Eldoria. A group of adventurers embarks on a perilous quest for a...
O Sino das Sombrasby Hill of Imagination
Description: In "The Bell of Shadows," dive into a transformative journey of self-discovery and overcoming. Inspired by Lucy's courageous saga, this book is an...
"Whispers of the Decrepit Mansionby
"Embark on a spine-tingling journey in 'Whispers of the Decrepit Mansion.' Jason, lured by an insatiable thirst for mystery, stumbles upon a crumbling mansion hidin...
No Escapeby hessalove
In a world where shadows hide the darkest secrets, John and Lisa's paths cross by chance, thrusting them into a dangerous game of survival. They navigate treacherous all...
"Embark on a riveting journey with Rashi and her friend Indrani as an unexpected medical camp leads them to the eerie Kacheri Bari. Unveil dark secrets, political s...
The Perfect Tenantby Paige Turner
The guesthouse was supposed to be Emma Lawson's sanctuary. Instead, it became her personal hell. With each passing day, the line between reality and paranoia blurs, leav...
Whispers of Betrayal: Unmasking th...by Inked Imagination
Whispers of Betrayal: Unmasking the Culprit" is a gripping crime and mystery novel that plunges readers into a world of treachery, deception, and hidden motives. Se...