A Fugitive In Disguiseby Claire Jade Galaxy, Half Gem...
Claire Galaxy is a half human girl, with a jade embed in her back between her shoulder blades. The daughter of Jade, a gem who was once a Crystal Gem along side Rose Qua...
(SERIES DISCONTINUED) They Don't G...by HazelSage
Amethyst is slowly losing herself to a dark side she thought she had lost in the Kindergarten a long time ago.
Slowly corrupting her thoughts and every action.
Slowly fu...
Fangs (An SU Fanfiction)by Does it Matter?
Sometimes I wonder If she can see me through your eyes, oh what would she think of me now?
Death is inedible, especially of it happens to a close family member, twice. F...
(SERIES DISCONTINUED) The Path I D...by HazelSage
Peridot is still suffering from fear of the higher authorities, constantly afraid of what to do. True feelings are finally starting to resurface within her, but she can'...