BrEaKiNg BaD fRiEnDsHiP nEcKlAcEby Advanz1
The saying "Bad company corrupts good manners" holds true in my personal experience. I found myself surrounded by people who engaged in unhealthy and unethical...

StIcKy fInGeRsby Advanz1
This is a true life story that happened to me, it thought me not to be greedy and never to take something that isn't mine.
Note: Any story I write on this platform are...

My WoRsT ExPeRiEnCeby Advanz1
This story captures the experiences of individuals encountering unexpected situations in Malaysia. It serves as a cautionary tale about trusting strangers and the import...

NaTiVe InTeLiGeNcE bEfOrE A.Iby Advanz1
It's essential to act quickly in any situation as delays can be dangerous. You must rely on your innate intelligence to make swift decisions because even a small error c...

No CoUnTrY fOr YoUnG mEnby Advanz1
The story that I would like to share with you is an account of my personal experience. It is about the risks and hazards associated with traveling by road in search of b...