Artificialby TheCreepsPasta001Scaryartificialthecreepspastacreepypasta+1 more He Who Should Never Be Namedby TheCreepsPasta311A short storycreepypastashortthecreepspasta Candle coveby TheCreepsPasta4711creepypastacovetv+4 more Slendermanby TheCreepsPasta621A man with a white face and a suit. He can still kill you. No credits foundslendermanwhitescary+2 more The Rakeby TheCreepsPasta1521The Rake took a life for his own. No credits foundthecreepspastascarycreepypasta+2 more BedTimeby TheCreepsPasta4021Its not the best time for everyone. Created by : Michael Whitehousesleepthecreepspastascary+2 more Psychosisby TheCreepsPasta1421Story created by : Gar/Matt Dymerskiscarythecreepspastaevil+2 more Survival Guideby TheCreepsPasta1531A survival guide.creepypastascarysurvivalguide+1 more Jeff The Killer Part 2by TheCreepsPasta801He can't stop killingscarycreepypastajeffthekiller+2 more