Current Location (The Lany Playlis...by nam
Unconditional love is unlimitedly defined as friendship, or love without conditions. Often this word is correlated with other concepts like genuine altruism, or full lov...
The Valentine's Day (The Lany Play...by nam
A forbidden love closely like the Romeo and Juliet book written by William Shakespeare. They were not able to be together because of their famillies constant bickering a...
Thru These Tears (The Lany Playli...by nam
Deep love is often unexplainable. You can't explain why it happens, or how, and you can't instruct others how to find it, but when you do find it, you'll be able to deci...
I Don't Wanna Love You Anymore (Th...by nam
Love is action, love is a choice, and love is more than butterflies. So when you choose who to love, make sure you choose to love a someone who is also committed to lovi...
Be Right Back (The Lany Playlist S...by nam
It takes time to develop true love. Marriage needs trust and understanding of the other individual-their character, desires, convictions, actions and core values that ar...
If You See Her (The Lany Playlist...by nam
The best time to fall in love is when you are ready to share a life you enjoy, when you have confronted and accept the demons of your past and when you feel influential...
Thick and Thin (The Lany Playlist...by nam
To stay with someone or something "through thick and thin" is to persevere through good times as well as bad. Those relationships that make it through the test...
Someone Else (The Lany Playlist Se...by nam
Being in love with this person as she truly is while having a crush on someone is mostly being in love with the idea of this person rather than how they truly are. Crush...
Super Far (The Lany Playlist Serie...by nam
A very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to. Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been throu...