Transformers Uprising: Dawn of the...by SoundStorm88
A new spark is born into a post-war world, where Megatron has surrendered, the Decepticons are no more and a new age of peace has fallen over Cybertron. But what if ther...
The Captainby Inalia
Things have been stressful for Rodimus so he decides he needs to get away and think about things. What happens when one mech wont let him be? Will things escalate and be...
J O U R N E Y (Transformers x rea...by Perseid
"The journey is never ending. There's always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what's right, continue to grow, continue...
A New Life (Transformers Prime Fan...by Blaze
Alexandria never had the best life. Her mother and step-father neglect her while her step-siblings harass her whenever the parents aren't around. One night after another...
We all fall downby Don't ever give up.
Crosshairs x OC
Okay, so I was asked to do some completely different with transformers and I don't think that's a bad idea. So here it goes.
Crosshairs fell in love with...