SHIMMER BOOK CLUB by TheShimmerCommunity
The Shimmer Community's official club for all wattpaders; both members and non-members of the community.
The perfect place to glow and get your works noticed on wattpad...

THE SHIMMER FAMILYby TheShimmerCommunity
This book is;
-A complete and detailed work on what The Shimmer Community is about. As well as ongoing activities in the community.
-A collection of the lists of all A...

SHIMMERY: A Graphic Contest | CLOS...by TheShimmerCommunity
OPEN FOR 2021.
A weekly graphic design/cover contest held by The Shimmer Community.
This is a property of The Shimmer Community.

SHINE CLIPS & COVER SHOP (CLOSED U...by TheShimmerCommunity
A good cover is the first and best way to attract readers. A good book trailer is the perfect advert for any author. Beautiful banners and aesthetics give your ebooks a...

SHIMMER REVIEWS | CLOSEDby TheShimmerCommunity
Reviews and Editions for every genre, made available to any wattpader.
Running 24/7.
For honest, detailed reviews and professional editions, submit your works h...

An award hosted by The Shimmer Community.
A holiday special edition for all writers, authors and interested judges.
All genres are accepted and prizes for both judges...

TSCASA (2020)by TheShimmerCommunity
TSCASA - The Shimmer Community Annual Special Awards
-This is an annual award hosted by The Shimmer Community.
- This award was set up by operators of the community to...

SHIMMER CANVASby TheShimmerCommunity
A collection of amazing artwork and graphic designs by the winners of our graphic contest - Shimmerly: A graphic contest. This book is owned by The Shimmer Community.

SHIMMER WRITERS (CLOSED UNTIL 2021...by TheShimmerCommunity
A bi-weekly writing contest based on prompts provided by The Shimmer Community.
This contest was set up to help wattpaders improve their writing skills and share their...

SHIMMY HELP LINE by TheShimmerCommunity
A book that contains FAQ's on all that concerns The Shimmer Community.
This book also serves as a helpline to wattpaders who may have one or more questions on activitie...

The Shimmer Community; Journals...by TheShimmerCommunity
This book once contained our reviews, as well as list of members, admins and other staff. However, due to organization and new improvements, this book is closed. BUT;

SHIMMER (2ND ISSUE) by TheShimmerCommunity
A once in two-monthly issued e-magazine hosted and published by The Shimmer Community.
Content : Anime, Music, TV Guide, Fashion, Poetry, Recommended Reads, Recipes, Ko...

THE SHIMMER AWARDS (2020)by TheShimmerCommunity
A monthly writing contest /awards conducted and hosted by The Shimmer Community (TSC) for all book genres and wattpaders.
FOR AUGUST , 2020:
OPEN (✖)

SHIMMER (1ST ISSUE) by TheShimmerCommunity
A once in two monthly issued e-magazine published and hosted by The Shimmer Community.
A whole package of fun!!
June/July Issue (1st issue)

SHIMMER OPEN BOX (Suggestion Box) by TheShimmerCommunity
A suggestion box for all members, admins, reviewers and editors of The Shimmer Community.

BOOK OF HONORS by TheShimmerCommunity
Recommended reads and Honorable works sorted from our Awards and more, that will definitely be worth your time.
A collection of works by the winners of The Shimmer Awa...