July 18by Deepanshu Garg
"July 18" is a chilling microfiction series that unfolds a nightmarish tale of survival and terror. The story begins with the protagonist waking up from a wild...
Web Series Indiaby Vikram Shinde
Crime and Thriller genre always had something cathartic about it. So let me give you a full-blown hefty list of some of the best Indian web series of Thriller and Crime...
Mission Kickoff - Samridh Shettyby Samridh Shetty
"Mission Kickoff" sets the stage for a pulse-pounding espionage thriller that unfolds against the backdrop of the newly formed Impossible Covert Squad (ICS). L...
"The Watcher: A Chilling Tale of...by LOKESH BABU
Discover the gripping psychological thriller, "The Watcher: A Chilling Tale of Obsession and Identity Theft." In this haunting story, delve into the unsettling...