July 18by Deepanshu Garg
"July 18" is a chilling microfiction series that unfolds a nightmarish tale of survival and terror. The story begins with the protagonist waking up from a wild...
"The Watcher: A Chilling Tale of...by LOKESH BABU
Discover the gripping psychological thriller, "The Watcher: A Chilling Tale of Obsession and Identity Theft." In this haunting story, delve into the unsettling...
Web Series Indiaby Vikram Shinde
Crime and Thriller genre always had something cathartic about it. So let me give you a full-blown hefty list of some of the best Indian web series of Thriller and Crime...
Mission Kickoff - Samridh Shettyby Samridh Shetty
"Mission Kickoff" sets the stage for a pulse-pounding espionage thriller that unfolds against the backdrop of the newly formed Impossible Covert Squad (ICS). L...