"Do What You Will", TRISTE by Anto...by joel_sattlersongs29401brasilpoembrazil+5 more "Say You Will", SEM VOCÊ by Antoni...by joel_sattlersongs9101b-popbossa-novatom-jobim+1 more "Our Day in the Sun", É PRECISO DI...by joel_sattlersongs11501bossa-novatom-jobim "I Shall Be Released", CANÇÃO DO A...by joel_sattlersongs7501tom-jobim "The Hobbit Song" aka CAMINHO DE P...by joel_sattlersongs47121j-r-r-tolkientom-jobimlotr+1 more "For Love", MULHER SEMPRE MULHER b...by joel_sattlersongs21601bossa-novatom-jobim LAMENTO NO MORRO by Antonio Carlos...by joel_sattlersongs40601bossa-novatom-jobimvinicius-de-moraes "A Song in Praise of Children", ES...by joel_sattlersongs30201brazillyricsong-lyrics+4 more "You Still Have to Go On Living" E...by joel_sattlersongs12901vinicius-de-moraestom-jobimbossa-nova+3 more "If That's Just How It Is" SE É PO...by joel_sattlersongs6701poemtom-jobimbrazil+4 more "Love Surely Will Stay" POR CAUSA...by joel_sattlersongs11501poembossa-novasong-lyrics+6 more "Glory Glory", CANTA CANTA MAIS by...by joel_sattlersongs36501lyricpoembrazilian-music+6 more "Happy Now?", MODINHA by Antonio C...by joel_sattlersongs10301poembossa-novalyric+4 more "I Would Take Nothing For My Pain"...by joel_sattlersongs7001song-lyricpoemlyric+4 more "Voices in the Wind", AMOR EM PAZ...by joel_sattlersongs16901lyricsong-lyricspoem+4 more "Tomorrow Never Fades", O MORRO NÃ...by joel_sattlersongs17001poemsong-lyricsbossa-nova+4 more "I'll Never Know", POR TÔDA MINHA...by joel_sattlersongs6801brazillyrictom-jobim+4 more "So Sophisticated", ELA É CARIOCA...by joel_sattlersongs7801tom-jobimlyricbossa-nova+4 more "I Will Be There", SE TODOS FOSSEM...by joel_sattlersongs17101bossa-novapoemlyric+4 more "When You Whisper in the Wind" EU...by joel_sattlersongs16601song-lyricspoembossa-nova+4 more