Four Becoming One: A Yu Gi Oh Stor...by JPPoole
The world has been split into four dimesions. It's the mission of a Masked Boy to put the dimensions back together. He runs into the Bracelet Girls, the Zarc Counterpart...
Yu-Gi-Oh ARCV The Legendary Red Ha...by nissa003
After helping Yuma and Astral putting an end to the conflict between Astral and Barian world, Naminé left Heartland alongside Luna and E'rah with the promise of coming b...
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Heartland Academy...by 🌸💓Sandy Dandy💓🌸
After some time, Astral has recovered his memories and has returned back to Astral World. The Barians are no more with their evil doings and are now redeemed, while gett...
Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force Fanfic The Red...by nissa003
Naminé Kodo Hibiki is a mysterious girl with no recollection of her past life, found on the verge of death this girl will soon play a game that will change her entire li...
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal Tori Meadows x Male...by SnickerDoodle01
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is my favorite series in Yu-Gi-Oh. I was re-watching Zexal and decided to make this fanfiction. The main character in this story will use an E-Hero deck...
The Shenanigans Of Hikari Tsukumoby Shining Harmony
Yuma Tsukumo, an aspiring young duelist who sometimes struggles to grasp the game... Has a DAUGHTER?! But he's a teenager! How does he- Oh, she was born through magic. H...