Mkulia College Story🤓☝️by 𝓓𝑒𝑒𝓇♡𝓓𝑜𝓁𝓁2.1K227Mkulia is a total drama ship! ❤️😭💋Completeddookieromancepookie+15 more rating total drama shipsby Charlie101just a silly ol pal rating sum total drama ships. taking reqs !!totaldramatotaldramashipratingships+1 more Duncan's Courtney by Kevin2062904701This takes place when total drama ended and the contestants were fully 21 years old nowtotaldramaduncnyduncysex+7 more Total drama ship one shots by FangTheViciousIdiot32551I am so hyperfixated help menowenlizzyships+21 more MY TRD ship opinions!! ( Kamari !!7021Remember these are my opinions!! not yours..alejandroxnoahalenoahtotaldramaship